Journal Entry 1 & 2

Entry 1:

Date: 27/04/2024

Activity: Created a basic overview plan for the whole project. Setup the repository and began working on the LevelManager part of the plan.

Hours: about 5 hours of writing and implementing additional (3+) hours of thinking beforehand

Outcome: basic plan + git repo 

(Note: I accidentaly posted this entry to the wrong project like 5 days ago...)

Entry 2:

Date: 02/05/2024

Activity: Implemented the Level and Game managers. Added basic player controls with animations and an attack. Implemented a basic damage system. Added an enemy - Slime - with 3 variants.

Notes: The game is sort of playable now, the menus need some work, the victory screen looks the same as lost screen, so it's a little hard to tell which is which. The game randomly generates the level - a maze with a single exit at one of the edges. When the player reaches it, the game ends.

Now I'd like to spruce the existing bits - add better UI, timer for the level shuffle, maybe some sounds,  more rooms and enemies and maybe a resource - upgrading system, mainly for healing, but also attacking upgrades etc.

 Hours: probably 20+ (like 3 days of work)

Outcome: First functional (ish)

Files 30 MB
May 02, 2024

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